Monday 15 July 2013

The Wool Experience

Well, it was time to experience wool again last weekend, with the added bonus of the most delicious ice cream.  The venue was, as ever, Blaze Farm and the children enjoyed seeing the animals and watching the sheep shearing while I explored the wool. I didn't take any pictures of the actual event as I was too busy fondling wool, and I only had a limited time before the children got too hot and wanted to go home.  I could have bought so much, but as I still have a whole fleece from last year I really couldn't justify any more, so I came away with just one fibre braid:

This is Finnish, from WeaveKnitIt, and it is so soft and gorgeous, I can't wait to try spinning it. (It's also brighter blue-green, in real life, but I can't get my phone to comply.) Plans are afoot for a wheel (what are big birthdays for if not for big pressies?) but until then it'll have to be on the spindle. The spindle is of course currently occupied with something else:

so I'll have to finish that first.  I forsee much spinning in my immediate future...

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