Friday, 27 February 2015

Of blankets and other things...

It appears I may have gone a little mad on the blanket front this year.  I have started not one, not two, but three blankets!  Hannah's rainbow ripples are coming on, I've nearly got to the halfway mark with the ripples themselves.  I took Steph's blue and green diamonds to Anglesey and got quite a few of those done too.  And then there is a third granny blanket which I'll talk about another time when I've done a bit more of it.  I must be mad! (I think we knew that anyway.)  Not only have I three blankets on the go, I have still got two jumpers to make too, but those are knitting rather than crochet.  The pile of projects beside my chair was getting rather silly, so I've had to sort it out and find homes for them, but not too far away as I never know what I might fancy working on...  I know I have always had 'startitis' (I love the idea of a new project!) but I think I might have taken it to new depths this year.  Ah well, it'll keep me occupied, especially as my back isn't good at the moment.

Around this time of year I usually get the urge to re-read The Lord of The Rings, and this year is no different.  It took me a long time to get round to reading it a few years ago, but once I'd seen the films I was hooked and swiftly read the books.  So this year, before embarking on LOTR itself, I'm wading through the Silmarillion first.  I'm really enjoying the stories but its written more like biblical history than fiction so its a bit tricky to get the hang of at first.  That, and a lot of the characters have similar names!  Thank goodness for the glossary at the back, and the maps (we do like a good map).

So between Tolkein, crochet and knitting I am well occupied.  Not a bad life, eh?


  1. Not bad at all! Really looking forward to swapping ideas for blankets. See you for coffee sometime next week x

  2. Not bad at all! Really looking forward to swapping ideas for blankets. See you for coffee sometime next week x
